
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dreams and Deals

Does anyone else have crazy pregnancy dreams? Like ones where you are being driven down a flooded street by two weather forecasters in a cargo van, then end up in the country where Jack Bauer and his long, lost Army friend from Bavaria toss pastrami at you and ask if you want swiss or provolone cheese?


Okay then.

Moving on.

Brittany talked me into going to Goodwill yesterday since we hadn't been in there in probably three months or more. We went to the Decker Blvd. Goodwill since they sort their clothes by size and color. Oh, yes. A pleasurable shopping experience. Definately more pleasurable than going to Wal-mart and having to stare at a half-naked Miley Cyrus poster pushing clothing I wouldn't wear, let alone any of my daughters, but I will save that post for another day.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw an entire rack, yes an ENTIRE rack of maternity clothes. I haven't been due in the summertime in almost ten years, so I didn't have any clothes for warm weather. I found five pairs of capris and four tops. Woohoo!

There's a denim pair, khaki, navy blue, white and black. The capris and the shirts were around $4 each. A little more than I'd spend if I were at a yard sale, but since no one is having a yard sale in an ice storm in the middle of January, I think this was an extraordinary deal.

Well, the exitement doesn't stop there. Oh, no. I thought I might run into Daffadeals (a local children's consignment) since I also needed another pair of jeans to get me through the winter. By the way, I found a pair at Goodwill, and when I tried them on they weren't my favorite style and they were a little bit big. But when I took them off I noticed the size on the tag, and the fact that they almost fit me, I began to rethink my love for the chocolate baked good. But, then I slapped myself back to my senses, and ran those babies back over to the rack where they came from. And fast.

Anyway. Like I said, I popped into Daffadeals to see if they had any jeans, and again I was not disappointed. I found a pair in a normal size that I totally love and they fit perfectly for $12, and when I got to the register, the heavens opened up and sang- they were discounted to only $6!

I also found Bailey a pair of Children's Place shoes there for $2.

Not to mention that while at Goodwill, I also snagged 7 summer shirts for the boys off of the $1 rack and Brittany found herself a pair of capris and three summer shirts.

It was a shopping success!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Baby Bumps R Us

Here is the 14 pound 3 ounce little baby bump.

Scoot on over to Raising Olives to see some more baby bumps.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wee One Number 9

Little One is 14 weeks, and is due July 29th.

But, we all know, from my previous experience, that this will be an August baby because it will be late and I'll end up having to force it out.

And, no we didn't find out the sex. That's cheating.

Everything looks healthy according to my midwives, who I will dearly miss, and who I wish I could take with me when I move. But, one thing I don't understand is how a 3 ounce baby has caused me to already gain 14 pounds. Perhaps it's because this is the reality for having a ninth baby in 14 years. Or, perhaps it's because I will be "age 35" by the time this baby is born, which is maternity speak for "you are old". Or, perhaps it's the fact that I need to eat carbs. Or sweets. Whatever.

On another note, we spent three days this week at the dentist, who I also love and wish I could take with me when we move. They couldn't get all of the kids' cleanings appointments scheduled for one day, so they split it up into two days. Then one child had to come back for an extraction of an extra "bonus" tooth, two children needed sealants for their molars, and Hallelujah! nary a cavity was seen on any child.

Except for one, who will remain nameless to protect his (or her) identity. He (or she) needed TWO crowns, because he (or she) will lose his (or her) toothbrush and neglect to notify me for a week. He (or she) now has a mouth full of metal, which might have elevated him (or her) to some sort of Super Hero status in his (or her) own mind.


Guess who took two steps?

"Wait, Mom! I don't know about this!"

"Well, that wasn't so bad after all!"

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Monday Musings

Conversations with an almost three year old.........

Thomas: Can we watch Batman? It has a girl in it.

Me: I don't think so.

Thomas: Can we watch Iron Man? It has a girl in it.

Me: Sure. (This will continue on until I say yes, because having a girl in it is supposed to convince me to say yes.)

Thomas: What is that?

Me: The Alamo.

Thomas: Are there tigers in there?

Me: No.

Thomas: Who are they?

Me: Those are Texas Rangers.

Thomas: Are tigers going to get them?

Me: No

Thomas: Look, Mom! That's Santa!

Me: Yes, it sure is. What does Santa do?

Thomas: He eats cookies and shoots bad guys.

Friday, January 8, 2010

The post where I talk about moving.

Well, it's official. We are moving.

After a long, long, while of hanging on by a thread, a very thin frazzled thread, we are losing the house. But, we're okay with that. We are ready to move on.

This "hanging on by a thread" has been the case for longer than just the year that my husband has been unemployed. It really has been years now that we've tried to move forward and, for some reason, just can't seem to get ahead. We are exhausted physically, mentally, emotionally and financially. We are ready to get on with our lives, and that can't be done in South Carolina.

So, we are moving to Oklahoma, where I am told, on occasion the wind goes sweeping down the plain. It is also where the remainder of David's family has migrated (all originally from Chicago.)

We are at peace with the fact that our 12 years in South Carolina is now coming to a close, despite the fact that we will surely miss all the special friends we have here. We are ready to begin a new chapter in our lives. The details of which are still not certain yet. Even though we plan on leaving in the next two months.

David was fortunate enough last November to get hired on part time at The Home Depot, where "You can do it and we can help." Hopefully he'll be able to transfer to another store out in Oklahoma. Maybe even move up to full time. Or otherwise he'll be getting several more part time jobs. (We are expecting our ninth baby.)

Which also leads us into another small dilemma- where to live. Since we have NO desire to take on a mortgage again, that leaves us with renting. Does anyone out there have a house they'd like to rent to a family of almost eleven?

Cricket. Cricket.

Helloooo? Is this thing on?

So, like I said, a few small details still need to be worked out.

Now after I've finally crawled out of my pit of despair, wondering exactly what is it that God is doing here (and I still don't know exactly what it is) I plan to get back to blogging again. I started this blog here to encourage homeschoolers and to journal our family's lives. I always liked the idea of journaling, but just the thought of picking up a pen and paper gives me a hand cramp. Although, I do like to use pen and paper if I'm writing a term paper.

Where was I?

Oh, yes. Now that I have come to the realization that God must have some sort of plan for us, and He knows what he's doing even though I most assuredly and obviously DO NOT, then I can get back to blogging about normal things again like science experiments, or the importance of chocolate, knowing that He will work all things out for His good, and also for our good, and also knowing that this probably is the longest run-on sentence I have ever typed on this blog.
